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OT Transparency & Cyber Security

For operational technology dependent organisations, visibility is key. For any industrial organisation, the first step to effective cyber security is to gain visibility over the entire OT landscape. Visibility also provides the foundation for effective board and executive management in light of increasing regulatory oversight.


  • Which assets, if lost, would impact business continuity?
  • Which assets, if compromised, would result in a stop to production capability?
  • Which assets, if breached, would result in significant financial and repetitional damage to shareholder value?

How Securoty Can Help

Cyber security, in relation to OT networks in particular, requires specialised capability. Securoty provides a suite of expert services supported by highly skilled resources and industry leading monitoring tools specifically designed for the unique challenges of OT security for industrial organisations.


OT enabled business optimisation

Output, production time, cost levels are all key inputs to how a firm can optimise processes for competitive advantage. Often times these information sets exclude some of the most reliable types of data from its OT systems that has no viable means to store, retain, let alone organised to deliver operational insights.


  • What areas of productivity would benefit from improved data collection and analysis?
  • How do you utilise data from OT to reduce operating and maintenance costs?
  • How does it use your OT information to identify, plan, prioritise, deliver and measure improvement?

How Securoty Can Help

In responding to challenges these answers might pose our services include the ability to analyse OT information as a key input into standard methods for process improvement. We also have methods for effecting continuous improvement that can be right-sized and tailored to your organisation


OT enabled business Innovation

The ability of firms to collect, retain assemble interpret - and use - data as part of their business is a central challenge for boards and their executives – to provide their customers with the best available service, their staff a safe and productive environment and their shareholders above-benchmark returns.


  • How do you integrate industrial automation systems with business strategy for improved sales, delivery, asset control and maintenance?
  • How do you currently combine machinery based and commercial information to get insight into new opportunities?
  • How is your OT information assembled and retained for development of insights?

How Securoty Can Help

At Securoty we understand business strategy and transformational change. Our services include the ability to use OT information in testing and piloting new concepts of operation, formulating holistic business strategies, designing target business operating models, and designing and governing transformational business change programs


Who We Are

We Are Security Experts

We think like hackers. With an intimate understanding of threat actors, valued target assets and their preferred method of attack, we know where to look and what to look for.

We Look for Trouble

We look for the unknown and the unseen. While competitors can defend against known threats, it's what they can't see and don't look for that leaves organisations vulnerable.


Securoty delivers deep network visibility into OT networks. We see security solutions not as a means to an end but to enable business to pursue optimisation and innovation.


What We Do

The effective security posture of an organisation is made up of a number of different filters, gateways and control points that combined help an organisation maintain a cyber resilient posture. A critical component is achieving visibility into and across OT networks.

For operational technology dependent organisations, visibility is key. For industrial organisation, the first step to effective cyber security is to gain visibility over the entire OT landscape.

“You cannot defend against what you cannot see”

Visibility also provides the foundation for effective board and executive management in light of increasing regulatory oversight.

  • Which assets if lost would impact business continuity?
  • Which assets if compromised would result in a stop to production capability?
  • Which assets if breached would result in significant financial and repetitional damage to shareholder value?



  • Environment (Network & Machine)
  • Preparedness
  • Sites, machines & interconnection
  • Security Processes & Procedures
  • Remediation Management
  • Executive Reporting

Clients are provided with a report and Securoty executives present the analysis and recommendations.


Proof of Concept

  • Installation of Claroty CTD (Continuous Threat Detection)
  • Implementation of Claroty SRA (Secure Remote Access)
  • Client Environment Configuration
  • Staff Optimisation Training

Securoty delivers a presentation of the PoC outcomes to the defined executive management & stakeholders


Network Design

  • Current Network Design
  • Suggested Target Network
  • Network Management Requirements
  • Suggested Staff Requirements
  • Suggested Executive Reporting Requirements

Securoty presents the Technical Analysis Report and provides specialist expertise on business improvement.

Securoty Process Flow


Market Segments


Digital industrial technology will provide the greatest opportunity for future advancements in business productivity. Industry requires visibility across these myriad networks to ensure service reliability and continuity.


Cyber Assurance and preparedness of critical infrastructure including power providers and refineries remains paramount. These control systems are increasingly being targeted by sophisticated and planned attacks.


The introduction of both Federal and International laws regarding privacy and protection of sensitive personal data eliminates the “it wont happen to us” approach to Cyber Security. The fault and blame will now squarely sit with boards and executives.


Health services are delivered through a patchwork of connected systems and equipment. This equipment and the critical nature of its functions in delivering safe patient outcomes can only be delivered through achieving visibility of the operational technology.